Jean Genie Graham
It was amazing! Thank you! ❤ x
(DF033, First time visitor, musician and promoter Facebook, 11 Jan 2023)
Isabel White
Hi John, my internet dropped out last night (stormy here). Fascinating to see the potential in this, especially the way you can connect up to other media - books, music etc. I think we need real food in the kitchen next! x
(DF033, First time visitor, Poet and Fundraiser, Facebook, 12 Jan 2023)


Thank you so much for sending this over, you have been so helpful from start to finish! (Mia Faulkner, Marketing Exec, Ruby Moon, Will We Shop Til We Drop, Circular Brighton & Hove, Email, 7 Oct 2021)
Last but not least, a brilliant discussion festival yesterday! Even though I was not able to stay for the entire event, I received all the information about Curry I needed!!! Brilliant. (Dr. Nina Stahl, Tutor and Researcher, HMLS, Maastricht University, Guest at DF025 Curry Challenges, Email, 13 Oct 2021)
The event tonight was fantastic! I really love the platform. I had a great chat with Dominique. Well done John. x (Roxanne Baptiste, TV/ Video Production Manager / Media Production Lecturer , Guest DF025, Film For Good, Message WhatsApp, 13 Oct 2021)
Feedback for DF No. 25? "positive... fun... informative..."
Tuesdays = #DiscussionFestival, around a digital lounge! (ArtBeat Promo, Review DF025, Post Facebook, 13 Oct 2021)
I had a great time tonight! (Richard Sanderson, Record Label Founder, Host, DF025 Reaction Time, Comment Facebook, 13 Oct 2021)
Another great evening. How to get funded table by Isabel White was fun, informative (could not scribble notes quickly enough!!) and full of positivity x (Mel Simpson,, Choreographer and Teacher, Guest, DF025 Fundraising, Comment Facebook, 13 Oct 2021)
It was a pleasure to meet you and to participate in this Platform 7 event, it’s a great Platform. (Dr. Inge Houkes, Associate Professor, HMLS, Maastricht University, The Brussels Connection, Email, 13 Oct 2021)
Thanks so much to the persons who took part yesterday. It was great fun and always impressive to be guiding physical experiences by distance ! Well done for diving in ! Let's have another go next week ! (Camille Desmarest, Chorégraphie, Danse, Host, DF025, The Living In Movement, Post Facebook, 13 Oct 2021)
The Kinder Surprise was fascinating. Again, I am amazed at the academic brain being able to conjure a whole lifetime of curiosity from what appears to be totally insignificant. The how to raise funding seemed to be far and away the most sought after. (Gillian Harwood, Founder and CEO, Busworks, Guest DF25 Kinder Egg Linguistics, Signal Comment, 13 Oct 2021)
Thank you so much for your support and help yesterday. It is so good working with you on these events - your experience means you can see clearly how an event will work; your imagination and creativity means the event will succeed. (Professor. David Townend, HMLS, Maastricht University, The Brussels Connection, Signal Comment, 13 Oct 2021)

It’s a brilliant concept! Taking virtual events/engagement to the next level’- (Viviane Williams, Founder & CEO of Wakeup Campaign, Viviane Williams Consultancy)
What I like most is how it pulls in
such interesting people every week.
and gives them space to be interesting.
(Regular visitor, Graham Klyne, computer engineer, versbal comment, 20 June 2021)
It work so well as a concept and is just brilliant, it has such huge potential (Occasional visitor, Paul Halliday, Senior lecturer, verbal comment, 15 July 2021)
Richard Sanderson LINK
I have to say, since I've not been able to put on gigs at all for ages, I've really enjoyed the improv sessions I "lead" at the Platform Seven Discussion Festival every week, as a way of keeping my enthusiasm for this knotty, peculiar music going. Helped by the regular and irregular presence of Anthony Osborne , Sam Fendrich, Jonny Martin , Iris Garrelfs , Chris Whitehead , Mark Browne , Isabel White , James Kerr Jonathan Pigram David Townend and others who have dipped their toe into this strange way of passing time, we have slowly created something rather special. Special thanks to John Mckiernan for setting it all up...
If you fancy joining in you'd be very welcome, and remember, if it all gets too much, or seems a bit daft, you can always visit some of the other tables for scintillating and friendly chat! (REGULAR HOST, Richard Sanderson, record lable owner, Facebook Post, 06 June 2021)
SKRONKing tonight, Richard. Should be there next week though! To anyone else: try it - ‘tis most entertaining…
Yes, will be askronking tonight - but it's a most enjoyable experience. Definitely be there next week.
I might need to take a break tonight........of course not!!! Highlight of the week. Bring it on like Donkey Kong!
Really enjoyed it too. Do let me know when the next one happen
(Facebook Comments to Richard Sanderson 6th July 2021 Facebook post, see left)
Great discussion last night through this weekly interactive platform that brings together people from all over the world to discuss a wide range of topics. Progress is only made by sharing ideas and through discussion. (FIRST TIME HOST,
Prof. Bill Ollier, Facebook comment, 01 June 2021)
"The most exciting part though is perhaps the simplest. Every Tuesday night, between 2000 and 2200 Maastricht time, there is a “Discussion Festival” in the venue. One of the most difficult things to cope with during the lockdown has been the loss of spontaneous conversations - bumping into people in the University, in a cafe, on a train, and striking up a conversation; getting together with friends and putting the world to rights - and the Discussion Festival has filled something of that gap.
(Professor David Townend, Contributor, Health, Ethics, Society (HES) Newsletter, June 2021 edition) Read full article
Thanks Denis for chairing an interesting if a bit convoluted discussion. It was my first time at the Discussion Festival. I will be back and recommend it to others. You can find Making Eh! Happen at https://stevec60m.podbean.com/ (FIRST TIME ATTENDEE, Steve Creed, LinkedIn Comment, 14May21)
Hosting a table at Discussion Festival really is a great way to reach a different viewpoint on something. I was struggling with an ACE application - I hosted a table to research building diversity into my project in a meaningful way that was relevant to my project and now I have RNIB as a project partner. All thanks to a discussion round a table. (REGULAR HOST, Dawn Cole, Facebook, 15May21)
For Creative Conversations - Try 'Platform-7!'
Platform-7 host a weekly Discussion Festival on-line and it has a flexibility beyond anything I've experienced with any other on-line meetings. Based on the 'Airmeet' technology platform, in some ways it's like the 'Open Space' (or Unconference) approach to meetings, in that you can move around from table to table whenever you wish, and there's no fixed agenda - just discussion themes on a variety of topics. Last week's event included discussions on Meta-Design, Mexican cookery, Making music out of nothing, Invention and Exploding Cinema. There's even a table for telling jokes or funny stories. (FIRST TIME ATTENDEE, Kevin Byron, Facebook Group, #CreativeHE, 06May21)
Comment that Followed: ‘Wow sounds fab’, Holly Warren.
Mel Simpson Dance @MelSimpsonDance
@PLATFORM7events @ElenaThomas1
many thanks for hosting the Discussion Festival last night! Quite excited actually- really think there may be a collaboration in sight - there is a definite tangible synergy between Drawing Songs and Dance or Draw!! So many future possibilities…
(Mel Simpson, Lead Chorographer Mel Simpson Dance, Guest DF024, Twitter, 05 Oct 2021)
24 attending at my table
(Isabel White, Fundraiser, Host, HOW TO SECURE FUNDING, DF024, Twitter, 05 Oct 2021)
Elena Thomas ARBSA @ElenaThomas1. 58m
excited about ideas and possibilities!
(Elena Thomas, Artist, DRAWING SONGS Host DF024, Twitter, 05 Oct 2021)
We Crookit Dreams Radio hosts united yesterday via the Platform-7 Events Online Discussion Festival. We don't get to be in the same room much. Too busy living on opposite sides of the Atlantic. This was the moment Richard Sylvarnes played me a new track he's working on and the bass drum kicked in. It nearly knocked the virtual table over. Tune in for Crookit Dreams this Friday 10pm (I'm on duty this week) and I'll be back at the Discussion Festival on Tuesday 19th October on the Sound Matters table... http://linktr.ee/crookit_dreams
(Mikey Kirkpatrick, Aka Bird Radio and Founder Alchemy Goldsmiths, Guest Lecturer, Host, SOUND MATTERS, DF024, Facebook, 05 Oct 2021)
Kate Murdoch @katemurdochart, 7h
This was really useful, thank you @PLATFORM7events & Isabel White. Just realised it’s 4 sessions, too. Already looking forward to next week’s! Anyone interested in funding should join. It’s free and on Tuesday evenings for the next three weeks.
(Kate Murdoch, Artist, blogger, collector, Guest DF024, Twitter, 05 Oct 2021)
I had such a great time looking forward to being there next week. (FIRST TIME HOST, Virgine Debert, DF011, LinkedIn 05May2021)
Enjoyed the discussion and the overall format.
(FIRST TIME ATTENDEE, Kevin Byron, DF011, via email, 05May2021)
Conversational Topics covered at my table last night: thanks for being a lively bunch.
Invention, creativity, conversations, Robots, poetry, trombones and cornets, Fernet, Jeff Dunham's 'Achmed the dead', exploring diagrams, Buckminster Fuller, Philosophy and Psychology, Ergonomics and Cybernetics, Amazon's deal with self publishing authors, success metrics, recognition, micro greens, crochet needles, The lost wisdom in 'Comments', uncensored films, Virtual Reality, Goldsmiths,
Come next Tuesday and enjoy the craic. (FIRST TIME HOST, Denis O'Brien, DF011, LinkedIn Comment, 05May2021)
Another brilliant evening - thank you John.
(HOST, Prof. David Townend, DF010, Facebook, 29April2021
Kyrina Bluerose 2d
Social Impact ArtEntertainment
I totally recommend this weekly gathering to anyone in our community. Seemed like like-minded intellectual creatives just hanging out bar-hopping talking about all sorts of different things at different "tables". There was an emphasis on not feeling bad by changing groups too, which was great. One was a music improv (without rhythm/tempo due to global internet lag), Elena's was continuing the conversation started here about the connection between music and visual art, one about diversification of not only creative teams but also audiences, etc. People were patient, involved, and thoughtful. It seems like anyone can just register and drop in any week, too, with no commitments. Similar to here, everyone's cameras were on too. (FIRST TIME ATTENDEE, Kyrina Bluerose, https://the.creativecommunity.is/posts/13426472, 21Apr21)
Metadesigners @metadesigners Apr 21 Replying to
@DrLezhenry, @PLATFORM7events and @AcademicDiary
Well done, @PLATFORM7events - it's getting so interesting that anyone hosting a table session is frustrated to miss what's happening on other tables. Lovely people from many different backgrounds show up, too, so conversations get broadened and new topics emerge. (REGULAR HOST, Metadesigners, Twitter reply, 21Apr21)
Elena Thomas
Really looking forward to this- intelligent conversation with interesting people and a few good laughs thrown in... (Twitter, 22 April 2021, first time Host and Guest)
Prof. Les Back, Wed 10:43 AM
A fantastic night of reasoning and thinking together about culture, music and politics. As one of the participants said, it is learning as an open ‘ecosystem not an ego system’. Les Back on hosting a table on a reggae culture. (FIRST TIME HOST, Prof. Les Back, Twitter, 21Apr21)
Prof William Lez Henry @DrLezhenry Apr 20
Yes @PLATFORM7events I give thanks for the invite and it was awesome hosting with @AcademicDiary and #reasoning with some beautiful souls about #ReggaewalksNewX #Rastafari #SoundSystems #LoversRock #BassCulture #JamaicanRootsmusic #Deejay #Lyrics Bless (FIRST TIME HOST, Prof. Lez Henry, Twitter, 20Apr21)
Prof. Lez Henry
Professor | University of West London
Goodnight all and this is one of my best ever virtual experiences ever, felt like I was reasoning with friends in my front room, so maximum respect to you John. Stay blessed and focused (FIRST TIME HOST, Prof. Lez Henry, DF009 Chat, 20Apr21)
Thanks, really enjoyed it and it's so much nicer than Zoom or Teams (FIRST TIME HOST, Abigail Tripp, Instagram, 13Apr21)
I cannot believe how much I love it, I am going to go and get some food, walk the dog and might return afterwards
[returned 40mins later]. (FIRST TIME ATTENDEE DF008, Sharon Adams, via conversation on Table 1, 13Apr21)
I agree Lez... it's been great! (FIRST TIME HOST, Elena Thomas, DF009 Chat, 20Apr21)
Had a good chat with Abi Jamerson tonight, Discussion Festival has inspired us to do a podcast together. (Abigail Tripp, message via Instagram, 24Apr21)
John Wood. Artist & Metadesign Consultant
Last evening's (9th) session was lit up by Prof Lez Henry's spontaneous speech of gratitude and delight (this was his first experience of the Platform). The regular Tuesday sessions are part of JohnMcKiernan's ( projects@platform-7.com) bold experiment in facilitating civilised discussion. Of course, it's impossible to predict how the technical format and social protocols will evolve - especially as John is eager to avoid imposing rules of engagement. I look forward to sharing more fun at next Tuesday's (10th) event. (REGULAR HOST, Prof. John Wood, LinkedIn, 21Apr21)
Cracking night, best yet! (REGULAR HOST, Richard Sanderson, Facebook, 13Apr21)
Head of Psychology at Bishop Thomas Grant School
Last nights event was brilliant! It is lovely to see this forum growing week on week. Cannot wait for next week, the diversity in the discussion themes is marvellous. (FIRST TIME HOST, David McDonald, LinkedIn Comment, 14Apr21)
Interdisciplinary Artist | SIE
I'm new here today and am impressed with the intelligence, attention, and perspectives of the participants here; thank you! (FIRST TIME ATTENDEE, Kyrina Bluerose DF009 Chat, 20Apr21)
Daniel Merrill
Dead Rat | KaddalMerrill
totally fantastic what a lovely evening (REGULAR HOST, Daniel Merril, DF009 Chat, 20Apr21)
RocklandsTV @rocklandstv Apr 21 Replying to @DrLezhenry., @PLATFORM7events and @AcademicDiary
Thank you so much. Another amazing, informal, informative #DiscussionFestival and a superb platform, Platform-7 events. No.9 was 9.3/4! We were hooked past end time. Magic. (REGULAR ATTENDEE, Rocklands, Twitter reply, 21Apr21)
Thanks, John - really wonderful people.. (Regular HOST, Prof. John Wood, DF009 Chat, 20Apr21)
Really enjoyed the event last night. Fascinating discussion and while I didn’t make the most of the ability to hop in and hop out of rooms, I can see the potential in being able to do so. Looking forward with much anticipation to the next time. Cap doffed for this wonderful platform ." (FIRST TIME ATTENDEE, Dave McDonald, "Head of Psychology at Bishop Thomas Grant School, LinkedIn, 31Mar21)
That was fun!!... I enjoyed that 🎧😀 ... I stayed on wayyy longer than expected 🙊🙆🏻♀️ ... I started at table 7, liked it, and also wanted to have a listen at table 8 where David was. My intention was to go back to 7 but I never did ... Really liked the setup
(FIRST TIME ATTENDEE, Shavana Sharon, Facebook, 31Mar21)
My friend James from Edinburgh popped in for the improv, but ended up staying in one of the other discussion groups - I said that was ecactly the point! (HOST. Richard Sanderson. 31Mar21
John I love it!!...
I’ve had to leave to make dinner (19:52)
Might come back in... Just finished dinner (20.:20)
(FIRST TIME ATTENDEE, Viviane Williams, Facebook 31Mar21)
Got a great formula going here, John. (HOST, David Bottomley, Facebook, 31Mar21)
Wonderful people in the world. It's encouraging to see this growing by word of mouth and experience. Thank you very much, John. x (HOST. Caffy St Luce, Facebook, 31Mar21
I'll be leading some free improv sessions at my table - so turn up with an instrument or your ears, and we'll see where it goes.
There are loads of other tables with fascinating people at them, wander around and take it in.
John Mckiernan has to be commended for this very original take on an internet gathering. This isn't Zoom or anything similar.
(HOST, Richard Sanderson, Facebook, 30Mar21)
I joined a table for the first time last night. Great experience. Great initiative, it's all so impressive! (FIRST TIME ATTENDEE, Irena Hill, Facebook, 31Mar21)
Maastricht University, M-GLEPH | MA Public Health and Law Cafe Sessions
I echo both John’s comments, and the enthusiasm of the students. It was a really good session. The session is a Café Discussion - informal, encouraging a lot of interaction between the students. And on a Friday afternoon after two full days of lectures and tutorials.
The students are studying for a one-year Master’s in Governance and Leadership in European Public Health. They have, of course, been pretty much only online throughout the year, and we have been using the usual array of online platforms. Using John’s platform, we had the flexibility of the main stage, the tables, and the speed-networking. Being able to move so smoothly between the different functions was great - as was the visual of the tables - so inviting and easy to navigate.
By preference, I would use this for all my teaching - it really gives such flexibility.
With all good wishes,
Master Students | Maastricht University
Closing Remarks and Conclusions (21st March 2021 Cafe Session)
‘It's like a podcast!! - speeddating was amazing’ (HR) ‘This is so nice David’ (MN) ‘This is really fun!’(MSC) ‘so fun’ (ITM) ‘Why didnt we use this platform before? :)’ (HR) ‘Really enjoying this!’ (LG) ‘Yes this is great!’ (PS) ‘this is so fun and enriching.’the fade out is the most romantic thing’ (ITM) ‘so abrupt hahahahaha’ / David Townend Professor | Maastricht University replying to HR ‘Why didnt we use this platform before? :)’. “Really glad you are enjoying it - this is a new software that is still in development. So you are in at the beginning!” / ‘I really like this way of discussion David! Really energizing!’ (MM) ‘thank you, it was a great experience, please bench zoom!’ (RS), ‘thank you, David’ (MA)