Talk - Listen - Engage - Exchange - Network
Tuesday, 18 May 2021, 19:00-21:00

Discussion Festival racks up quarter of a year of weekly events where people from all walks of life and backgrounds, from experts to hobbyists, host different tables discussing various fascinating topics. The audience move freely around different tables, without barriers or restriction, joining and leaving tables as they wish, creating a fun and dynamic experience, unlike anything on Zoom or Clubhouse. Read what others are saying on the comments page on the Platform-7 Events website.

Table host and their chosen topic, all times are approximate and subject to change. Assistance is available in the hallway (room 2).

Open Chrome on a PC/laptop/Mac or iPad (no phone app yet)
Go to https://lucia.network
Enter your name or invent a name
Enter email address
Check your email and press the link (token)
Allow camera and audio
Use your arrow keys to enter over the Welcome mat
To adapt the scale, (i.e zoom into a single chair or zoom out and see the whole floor) use zoom in/out buttons or use scroll in/out ball on the mouse, For Mac Cnt +/- keys or browser zoom buttons.
A Platform-7 host should be by the front door (Room 2) to welcome and answer any questions.
Wander freely around, remembering there are 4 floors
Full details of this week's table topics
What is the Discussion Festival Video

Welcome to Platform-7 Events Discussion Festival Venue
Discussion Festival is a weekly event taking place every Tuesday evening, held in a completely new type of online venue, which invites artists, academics, professionals, experts and interesting people to host a table on a subject they know a lot about, and for visitors to meet new people, network and have an unexpected conversation.
Audience members are welcome to float around the event joining any table that might appeal or head to a specific table to hear more about a topic that they find interesting or wish to pursue more seriously. Tables are varied and hosts are all of the most interesting kind. If you happen to meet another audience member you know or like, just grab an Open Table and chat away. Should you wish to host a table, please get in touch via the website.
Meet every

Each table has it's own host.
Tables are set with different number of chairs to suit the host.
WELCOME to Platform-7 Events brand new hybrid online venue where some amazing things are planned throughout 2021, we hope you have a unique experience everytime you visit, just like in a real-life event or friendly gathering space.
Help Desk
There is a changing range of topics
As the Venue is still being developed there are restrictions to devices and browser that the audience can use if you wish to participate (essential for Discussion Festival), although you can still watch. Please Don't use Safari!.