Latest News 2012 & 2011
This page shows regular news updates of Platform-7 from 2011 & 2012 To see the latest update news [ click here ] 20th December 2012: Professor Loretta Lees of Kings College London has completed the first draft of our joint article on the results of the Moonbow Margate project in 2013 [click] 19th December 2012: Platform-7 invited to Royal Central School of Speech and Drama to discuss the possibly collaborating on one of our projects 18th December 2012: Platform-7 and Akleriah draw up plans for textile intervention with LB of Lewisham in 2013 17th December 2012: Platform-7 submits bid with artist Natasha Reid, Professor Loretta Lees and Grassroot Gardens to create a mobile artist studio around the Olympic Park with Natasha Reid as Artist in Residence 16th December 2012: Interesting article by Professor Ross Brown [click] discussing 2-minute silence in keeping with John McKiernan's "no man's land" blog post [click] on the London Underground silence [click] 13th December 2012: Developed a strong theoretical framework for joint pitch to the Olympic Legacy Development Company for mobile artist studio opportunity 12th December 2012: Was approached by several major London Universities regarding possible collaboration at Creativeworks meeting 7th December 2012: new blog post questioning ritualism as a construct through "no man's land" [click] 5th December 2012: new Platform-7 website progressing, discussions taking place around 3 projects 30th November 2012: no man's land completely updated, including new look blog [] 29th November 2012: Charing Cross station page complete, [click] 29th November 2012: Dawn Reid blog post 'Resting Place' posted to "no man's land" improved Tumblr blog [click] 28th November 2012: Natasha Reid blog posted to "no man's land" new improved Tumblr blog [click] 28th November 2012: first draft of new website design complete for Platform-7 launch (Spring 2013) 22nd November 2012: no man's land website being updated, with images and new 2-minute silence page - a fascinating insight to the 2-minutes of silence that takes place across the London Transport system on Remembrance Day [click] 19th November 2012: New Platform-7 website now being actively developed 18th November 2012: Watch first clip out of Knightsbridge [click] 16th November 2012: First clips of video battle arriving on "no man's land" website [click] 15th November 2012: A poem by Nick Scammell responding to the Catford Tapescape: The Intervention II sculpture "Deluge" by Paul Halliday [click] 14th November 2012: A tired team 12th November 2012: A massive thank you to all the artists and crew involved in making "no man's land" such a special and successful day and all at London Underground stations and Jim Lynott, at BRBR , for being so accommodating in allowing it to happen 11th November 2012: The day has arrived, see blog for details and choose your nearest station incl Eurostar Waterloo!tube-stations-occupied/c15go 7th November 2012: Cabinet meeting tonight,7.15 [click for agenda] Previous Cabinets minutes available on the "no man's land" facebook [click] 7th November 2012: website stations and information updated 5th November 2012: BRBR (Residuary) Limited have granted Platform-7 the use of the disused Eurostar terminal at Waterloo to display the "no man's land" sculptures and have post London Underground performances on Sunday 11.11.12 5th November 2012: Another twist potentially in 'no man's land' event, a potential new ally want to meet at 6pm 5th November 2012: Received London Underground's written confirmation that 'no man's land' event can proceed. 4th November 2012: Artist Natasha Reid responds to 'no man's land' pointless essay [click] 4th November 2012: All risk assessments and information to artists complete and sent. 3rd November 2012: Creator of "no man' land" discusses his personal thoughts and concerns on the event with one week to go [click] 1st November 2012: London Underground issue licenses for 11/11/12 "no man's land" event 31st October 2012: A robust and very interesting Cabinet Committee meeting updating on individual elements of the 'no man's land' event and discussing how sculptors can be further involved. 30th October 2012: Reaction of sculptors to LU decision remarkable, solutions being sought. 29th October 2012: London Underground reject sculpture proposals on a number safety grounds, more to follow. 20th October 2012: A week of changes and decisions leading focusing on quality over quantity. First group of sculptures sent to London Underground for approval. Standard of work is looking exceptional. 14th October 2012: Music and Poetry committees work complete 11th October 2012: Number of stations halved to 15 due to insurance cost 10th October 2012: Second Cabinet meeting held [click] 5th October 2012: concerns about financing of no man's land following Art Council England's funding rejection [click] 1st October 2012: Very busy with no man's land 25th September 2012: First Cabinet meeting for no man's land this evening [see agenda here] 24th September 2012: Many new people join the event, see facebook page [here] for details or the pool page [here] 23rd September 2012: Busy weekend on 22nd September 2012: Platform-7 wishes to welcome Anthony Fairweather to no man's land, a multiple slam winning poet from Southampton who’s supported Elvis McGonagall, Byron Vincent and others…all with a speech impediment supplied as standard 22nd September 2012: Platform-7 wishes to welcome David Turay, a London-based musician who was seen playing sublime sax very late under Southwark bridge during the summer, to no man's land 21st September 2012: no man's land Cabinet line up for Tuesday 25th meeting with Pat Codd Melanie Simpson John Huntingdon Karl Richter Lauren Lapidge and tbc on the night Roanna Mitchell, Nick Lawrence and Tony George -plenty to discuss 21st September 2012: platform-7 welcomes John Huntingdon to the Cabinet as head of Health and Safety, Fire Risk Assessment and Sculpture Security for 20th September 2012: Platforma, the arts art of the UK Refugee Council is to partner Platform-7 in developing 'Transport Hub' an intervention discussing the politics of migration, immigration and displacement 20th September 2012: no man's land welcomes our new Head of Operations:North America, Rachel Lehrman, in charge of artists and promotion from Canada, USA and Mexico 18th September 2012: no man's land is already metamorphosing in new directions not even considered 18th September 2012: no man's land welcomes our new Head of Operations:Southeast Asia Angie Chen in charge of artists and promotion from Indonesia, Cambodia, Vietnam, Malaysia, Thailand, Korea, Burma, and Taiwan 18th September 2012: Poems Alive and Platform-7 are to create 72-hour cafe exploring knife crime and gang clture through spoken word 17th September 2012: Platform-7 wishes to welcome Daniel Merrill a London-based musician and researcher to our Underground event no man's land 17th September 2012: Platform-7 wishes to welcome Daniel Merrill a London-based musician and researcher to our Underground event no man's land 17th September 2012: no man's land welcomes our new Head of Operations:Southern Central Europe Elisa Testori in charge of artists and promotion in Italy, Greece, Switzerland, Albania, Bosnia, Serbia and Croatia 17th September 2012: no man's land welcomes our new Head of Operations:Northern Europe Hülya Ucar in charge of artists and promotion in Denmark, Finland, Sweden, Norway, Iceland, Greenland and Estonia 10th September 2012: Platform-7 meeting/brainstorm week in Montseny nr Barcelona 4th September 2012: The first major adaptation to the planning of no man's land now in progress... 3rd September 2012: no man's land Press Release (Sept 2012) 30th August 2012: no man's land logistic rethink 28th August 2012: Hoping to complete no man's land website later 16th August: POETRY COMMITTEE for no man's land : Nancy G. Esposito, Ronnie Mc Grath, Isabel White, Kathryn O'Reilly 15th August: Tense and passionate first meeting of the poetry committee 14th August: An amazing first meeting of the music committee, full details on our no man's land facebook [click] 12th August 2012: MUSIC COMMITTEE for no man’s land James Young [click] Nathan Harmer [click] Julian Jacobson [click] Nathaniel Mann [click] 10th August 2012: no man's land taking a life of it's own and new collaborative project coming up with Poems Alive 6th August 2012: IMPORTANT: NO 'UP THE LINE' DURING 2012 Arts Council unfortunately have not the money to fund Up The Line this year despite the application fully meeting the criteria. ACE Letter: 'There are a number of factors we consider when assessing applications. Your application was not successful mainly because:
COMPETITION FOR FUNDS. Our funds are limited and we had more good applications than we could fund. Although your application met the criteria, we had to make difficult choices about which applications to support.' [End no other reasons given].
Average success rate April 2012 - June 2012 was 39% 3rd August 2012: Goldsmith's University of London give wonderful review of Paul Halliday's 'Deluge' inastallation at the Tapescape Catford:The Intervention I & II [link to Goldmsmiths] 3rd August 2012: no man's land has been revised creating a highly conceptual approach to live performance in public space 3rd August 2012: Team all back from holiday 19th July 2012: no man's land has been updated [click] 19th July 2012: Email migration appears complete, new main contact email address 18th July 2012: Major issues with Platform-7 email migration, apologies if you are trying to contact us 17th July 2012: Scarborough based Split Infinitive charity offers funding donation towards Up The Line 2012 17th July 2012: Deluge documentation video available here 16th July 2012: Platform-7 invited to the opening of the new Tate Tanks 13th July 2012: Humanities strategy company Shm holds workshop for Platform-7 to try to understand how to develop the model within the legal and cultural frameworks that exist while remaining true to the principles and ethics of the company. Happily everyone became somewhat stuck and more work is required. 10th July 2012: Lewisham Council opt to continue Tapescape video amnesty for all Lewisham residents 12th June 2012: 'no man's land' website ready to launch [], more funding applications submitted for 'Up The Line' 9th June 2012: Website construction for 'no man's land' begins. 6th June 2012: Office team update: Lenka Horakova, Lauren Lapidge, Isabel White, Darren Sperring, Tech, Lurca, IT for 'no man's land' James Stevens, Environmental Andy Blue, Finance Keith Graham 5th June 2012: Paul Halliday adds more to Deluge from returning videocassettes as part of the video amnesty 5th June 2012: Goldsmiths lecturers agree talk on Waste, Redundancy and Obsolescence at Tapescape Catford: The intervention II 20th June 2012 [click] 4th June 2012: Team working Platform-7 increases 2nd June 2012: International supporter of Platform-7 pledges funding for 'no man's land' on London Underground 2nd June 2012: Founder, John McKiernan begins joint journal article with Professor Loretta Lees of King's College London on the Moonbow Margate intervention during summer 2011 1st June 2012: Many opportunities appearing. 28th May 2012: London Underground provide Letter of Introduction for new event 'no man's land' to begin across London on 30 tune stations simultaneously 28th May 2012: Deluge poster now being printed [click to see] 25th May 2012: Roana Mitchell's provocative piece on how Jane Fonda's workout video was not only a bit of fun but a cynical ploy to sell technology by selling a person's body image back to themselves [read here] 25th May 2012: Latest news page moved to blog to ensure quicker and regular updates [click] 25th May 2012: Wonderful Flipside event last night 24th May 2012: London Underground approves Platform-7 event ‘no man’s land’ across 30 tube stations simultaneously 24th May 2012: 4th Annual Flipside Youth Film Festival Gala, 24th May 2012 tonight at the Tapescape Catford[Click] 23rd May2012: Deluge: The Return Of The Videocassettes: Tapescape Catford: The Intervention II, 23rd May - 24th June 2012 [click] 22nd May 2012: Facebook: tapescapecatford 22nd May 2012: National Federation of Cemetery Friends adds Platform-7 button to webpage and recommends 'Up The Line' event on news page [click] 1st March 2012: Provisional permission given to take over disued ex-Blockbuster video store in South London for 2 week art intervention 28th February 2012: Platform-7 attended the excellent The Future of Festivals symposium at the the Southbank Centre, London. Hosted by Jerrwood Trust and LIFT 24th February 2012: Proposal to the National Federation of Cemetery Friends ready for presentation 2011 11th November: We would like to apologise for the cancellation of this event. The Head of Art at the Royal Park has deemed that Bromptom Cemetery is too dark for ‘Up The Line’ 2011 under health and safety. There was a demand that the paths must be bathed in enough light for a person with poor sight to see clearly. The glowstick route, used so effectively in Margate on Thursday 10th Nov 2011 and at both the 2010 and 2009 events was not sufficient. An offer by the Royal Parks to move the event to the daytime while the cemetery was open, as a form of compromise, was declined by Platform-7. We believe that an enormous opportunity has been missed to bring a important event to West London. If you wish to have more information regarding this event please email 11th November: WE HAD A PERFECT EVENING FOR 'UP THE LINE' REMEMBRANCE 2011 EVENT (10/11/11), FULL MOON, GREAT TURNOUT, AMAZING FEEDBACK AND HAPPY ARTISTS, PERFECT ALL ROUND. THANKS TO EVERYONE INVOLVED, THE FRIENDS OF MARGATE CEMETERY AND ALL THE PEOPLE FROM THANET WHO CAME TO WHAT WAS,WE HOPE, A WONDERFUL AND THOUGHT PROVOKING EVENING. UNTIL NEXT TIME... 21th October: MOONBOW MARGATE HAS A FULL PAGE ARTICLE PUBLISHED IN THANET GAZETTE: 21th October: POETRY CURATOR ISABEL WHITE HAS POEM PUBLISHED IN THE THANET GAZETTE 18th October: ROUTE AND PLAN ALMOST FINALISED 18th October: HEALTH AND SAFETY ASSESSMENTS COMPLETED fFOR UP THE LINE 30th September: EVALUATION BEGINS 30th September: EVERYONE AT PLATFORM-7 PLEASED WITH MOONBOW MARGATE PROJECT 30th September: VERY BUSY WEEK CLEARING LIDO, APPLICATIONS FOR NEW PROJECTS AND MEETINGS FOR UP THE LINE 24th September: MOONBOW MARGATE PROJECT COMES TO A CLOSES AFTER 13-WEEKS 25th September: MEL SIMPSON DANCERS PERFORM AROUND MARGATE AND ON LIDO SANDS 2PM SUNDAY 24th September: LOCAL TRIO 'FREE LUNCH' GIG AT 8PM 24th September: GORDON CLARKSON LIDO TALK AT 2.30PM 24th September: JULIAN JACOBSON CANCELLED PERFORMANCE: DUE TO A FAMILY BEREAVEMENT JULIAN IS UNABLE TO PERFORM THIS CONCERT 24th September: DEAD RAT ORCHESTRA IMPROMPTU GIG SCATURDAY 24TH LUNCHTIME 12.30PM 24th September: REBECCA LOCKE PIECE 'GOLD JUNK' PIECE CONTINUES IN CAIN AMUSEMENTS - MAP 23rd September: DEAD RAT ORCHESTRA ENCHANT THE LIDO AUDIENCE WITH THEIR SET 23rd September: GREEN DIESEL SHOW GREAT FORM AT MOONBOW LIDO 23rd September: REBECCA LOCKE PIECE 'GOLD JUNK' INSTALLED IN CAIN AMUSEMENTS - MAP 23rd September: THANET/KENT OFFER £2000 TOWARDS 'UP THE LINE' EVENT 23rd September: READY FOR LAST WEEKEND 22nd September: MOONBOW LIDO AND GORDON CLARKSON IN LOCAL PAPER KENT MESSENGER 22nd September: LONDON JOURNALISTS DECEND ON MOONBOW LIDO 22nd September: ReM PERFORMERS ARRIVE FOR FRIDAY EVENING SHOW 21st September: BBC1 NEWS SOUTHEAST BUSINESS EDITOR, MARK NORMAN INTERVIEWS PLATFORM-7 REGARDING CLIFTONVILLE 21st September: COUNCILLOR CHRIS WELLS VISITS MOONBOW LIDO 21st September: HELDER CLARA CREATES A NEW FULL BODY PORTRAIT 21st September: FOOD BY YVETTE LE COOK RETURNS TO MOONBOW FOR THE LAST WEEK 21st September: ARNOLD SCHWARTZMAN CONFIRMS ATTENDING GORDON CLARKSON’S TALK ON THE LIDO THIS SATURDAY AT 2.30PM 21st September: BBC NEWS SOUTHEAST COMING TO FILM MOONBOW LIDO 21st September: DOCTOR WHO, DAVID TENNANT FOUND FILMING OUTSIDE MOONBOW LIDO 21st September: BBC INSIDE OUT CANCELS FILMING DUE TO ILLNESS OF PRODUCER 20st September: BBC HERE 20st September: GALLERY UPDATED 19th September: CONTINUING INTERNET CONNECTION ISSUES IN MARGATE AFFECTING UPDATES 18th September: BABBLE ART INSTALLATION AND POETRY EVENT CLICK FOR IMAGES 18th September: ALMOST 300 NEW VISITORS TO EXHIBITIONS SINCE 14TH SEPT 17th September: LARGE AUDIENCE FOR DJ COFFEE SATURDAY SET 17th September: ANIA BAS 'RECESSION CUPCAKES' WELL RECEIVED CLICK FOR IMAGES 17th September: NEW EXHIBITION OPENS AT TURNER CONTEMPORARY 16th September: ARTS COUNCIL ENGLAND TO FUND 'UP THE LINE REMEMBRANCE 2011' EVENT CLICK FOR MORE 16th September: MARGATE UPDATE SENT TO 600 SUBSCRIBERS 16th September: FLYERS FOR EXHIBITIONS DELIVERED AND SENT OUT AROUND MARGATE AND CLIFTONVILLE 15th September: 83 PEOPLE VISIT PRIVATE VIEW OF 'CLIFTONVILLE NOW' AND 'WHAT IS FOOD' 14th September: SHOWS ALMOST COMPLETE 13th September: EXHIBITION ITEMS ARRIVING 4th September: DJ COFFEE PLAYS A CAFE DEL MAR SET UNTIL SUNSET, 5PM ONWARDS 3rd September: LIDO OPENS AT 12 NOON. DOWN BY THE LIDO SANDS POOL 3rd September: LOCAL DJS ALL EVENING 3rd September: SOUNDSCAPE PERFORMANCE BY CLARE AND DEAN 8PM 3rd September: THEATRE ROYAL AND TOM THUMB THEATRE HELP CREATE LIDO SPACE 3rd September: CLEANING OF LIDO SANDS STARTS AT 12 NOON 3rd September: PERFORMANCE OF CREATING EXHIBITION BEGINS 2nd September: SPACE ALMOST READY 2nd September: VERY BUSY DAY MAKING SPACE READY FOR SATURDAY OPENING 2nd September: AMAZING RESPONSE TO 'CLIFTONVILLE NOW' EXHIBITION BY NORTHDOWN ROAD BUSINESSES AND OTHERS 2nd September: BBC News South East may be coming to Lido with Councillor Chris Wells 2nd September: FIRST LIDO IMAGES CLICK 1st September: MOVE IN STARTED 1st September: KEYS SECURED 1st September: Mayor of Margate Iris Johnson confirms she will join the Lido Sands Pool clean up on Saturday 3rd September 31st August: FIRST GLIMPSE AT LIDO SCHEDULE CLICK 31st August: UP THE LINE WEBPAGES UPDATED 31st August: ALL ‘UP THE LINE’ APPLICATIONS PRESENTED 31st August: PLATFORM-7 MEET ROYAL PARKS REGARDING BROMPTON CEMETERY 31st August: WEBSITE UPDATED 30th August: NEW IMAGES UPDATED TO WEBSITE 30th August: PHOTOGRAPHER MARTIN PARR PENCILLED IN FOR MOONBOW MARGATE 30th August: FILM DIRECTOR ARNOLD SCHWARTZMAN EXCITED BY LIDO PROJECT AND WILL VISIT 29th August: OFFERS OF CLIFTONVILLE NOW EXHIBITION CONTINUE TO COME IN 27th August: CLEAN UP OF LIDO SANDS POOL CONFIRMED 27th August: PLATFORM-7 ATTENDS ‘BLINK’ IN MARGATE 26th August: PLATFORM-7 HAS INTERESTING READING FESTIVAL 26th August: MOONBOW MARGATE POSITIVE MENTIONED IN THANET GAZETTE 26th August: BBC CONSIDERING FOLLOWING MOONBOW LIDO PROJECT 24th August: CLIFTONVILLE SLAMMED IN LOCAL BBC NEWS REPORT 23rd August: BBC CONTACT PLATFORM-7 REGARDING LIDO PROJECT 21st August: MOONBOW JAKES THANKS CLIFTONVILLE 21st August: MOONBOW MARGATE AT THE GOLDEN HOUSE GRILL, CLIFTONVILLE CLOSES FOR THE LAST TIME 21st August: POLLY HIGH'S PHOTOS COME INTO THE LIGHT 20th August:DRAW ME BOOTH MASSIVE SUCCESS (OPEN IMAGES VIA FACEBOOK) 20th August: JONATHAN POLKEST DRAW ME / TEDNE VE BOOTH COMES TO CLIFTONVILLE 19th August:AGREEMENT REACHED IN PLATFORM-7 USING LIDO FROM 1st TO 27th SEPTEMBER INCLUSIVE 19th August:MEETING WITH CLIFTONVILLE LIDO OWNERS AND THANET COUNCIL 18th August: MOONBOW MARGATE LIKELY TO CLOSE THIS SUNDAY 21TH AUGUST 17th August: MOONBOW MARGATE OPEN FROM 4PM 14th August: HUNDRED VISIT MOONBOW MARGATE 14th August: HUGE NUMBERS DECEND ON MOONBOW MARGATE FOR FACE PAINTING AND SUNDAY ROAST 14th August: MELANIE SIMPSON FACE PAINTING 14th August: DAWN VENESS, CHEF OF THE RED LION STODMARSH COOKING SUNDY ROAST 13th August: AKLERIAH LIVE PERFOMANCE AT TURNER CONTEMPORARY HIGHLY RECEIVED 13th August: 100s WATCH AKLERIAH LIVE PERFOMANCE 13th August: AKLERIAH LIVE STREET PERFOMANCE 12th August: POTENTIAL MOVE TO LIDO #latestnews

This page shows regular news updates of Platform-7 from 2011 & 2012 To see the latest update news [ click here ] 20th December 2012: Professor Loretta Lees of Kings College London has completed the first draft of our joint article on the results of the Moonbow Margate project in 2013 [click] 19th December 2012: Platform-7 invited to Royal Central School of Speech and Drama to discuss the possibly collaborating on one of our projects 18th December 2012: Platform-7 and Akleriah draw up plans for textile intervention with LB of Lewisham in 2013 17th December 2012: Platform-7 submits bid with artist Natasha Reid, Professor Loretta Lees and Grassroot Gardens to create a mobile artist studio around the Olympic Park with Natasha Reid as Artist in Residence 16th December 2012: Interesting article by Professor Ross Brown [click] discussing 2-minute silence in keeping with John McKiernan's "no man's land" blog post [click] on the London Underground silence [click] 13th December 2012: Developed a strong theoretical framework for joint pitch to the Olympic Legacy Development Company for mobile artist studio opportunity 12th December 2012: Was approached by several major London Universities regarding possible collaboration at Creativeworks meeting 7th December 2012: new blog post questioning ritualism as a construct through "no man's land" [click] 5th December 2012: new Platform-7 website progressing, discussions taking place around 3 projects 30th November 2012: no man's land completely updated, including new look blog [] 29th November 2012: Charing Cross station page complete, [click] 29th November 2012: Dawn Reid blog post 'Resting Place' posted to "no man's land" improved Tumblr blog [click] 28th November 2012: Natasha Reid blog posted to "no man's land" new improved Tumblr blog [click] 28th November 2012: first draft of new website design complete for Platform-7 launch (Spring 2013) 22nd November 2012: no man's land website being updated, with images and new 2-minute silence page - a fascinating insight to the 2-minutes of silence that takes place across the London Transport system on Remembrance Day [click] 19th November 2012: New Platform-7 website now being actively developed 18th November 2012: Watch first clip out of Knightsbridge [click] 16th November 2012: First clips of video battle arriving on "no man's land" website [click] 15th November 2012: A poem by Nick Scammell responding to the Catford Tapescape: The Intervention II sculpture "Deluge" by Paul Halliday [click] 14th November 2012: A tired team 12th November 2012: A massive thank you to all the artists and crew involved in making "no man's land" such a special and successful day and all at London Underground stations and Jim Lynott, at BRBR , for being so accommodating in allowing it to happen 11th November 2012: The day has arrived, see blog for details and choose your nearest station incl Eurostar Waterloo!tube-stations-occupied/c15go 7th November 2012: Cabinet meeting tonight,7.15 [click for agenda] Previous Cabinets minutes available on the "no man's land" facebook [click] 7th November 2012: website stations and information updated 5th November 2012: BRBR (Residuary) Limited have granted Platform-7 the use of the disused Eurostar terminal at Waterloo to display the "no man's land" sculptures and have post London Underground performances on Sunday 11.11.12 5th November 2012: Another twist potentially in 'no man's land' event, a potential new ally want to meet at 6pm 5th November 2012: Received London Underground's written confirmation that 'no man's land' event can proceed. 4th November 2012: Artist Natasha Reid responds to 'no man's land' pointless essay [click] 4th November 2012: All risk assessments and information to artists complete and sent. 3rd November 2012: Creator of "no man' land" discusses his personal thoughts and concerns on the event with one week to go [click] 1st November 2012: London Underground issue licenses for 11/11/12 "no man's land" event 31st October 2012: A robust and very interesting Cabinet Committee meeting updating on individual elements of the 'no man's land' event and discussing how sculptors can be further involved. 30th October 2012: Reaction of sculptors to LU decision remarkable, solutions being sought. 29th October 2012: London Underground reject sculpture proposals on a number safety grounds, more to follow. 20th October 2012: A week of changes and decisions leading focusing on quality over quantity. First group of sculptures sent to London Underground for approval. Standard of work is looking exceptional. 14th October 2012: Music and Poetry committees work complete 11th October 2012: Number of stations halved to 15 due to insurance cost 10th October 2012: Second Cabinet meeting held [click] 5th October 2012: concerns about financing of no man's land following Art Council England's funding rejection [click] 1st October 2012: Very busy with no man's land 25th September 2012: First Cabinet meeting for no man's land this evening [see agenda here] 24th September 2012: Many new people join the event, see facebook page [here] for details or the pool page [here] 23rd September 2012: Busy weekend on 22nd September 2012: Platform-7 wishes to welcome Anthony Fairweather to no man's land, a multiple slam winning poet from Southampton who’s supported Elvis McGonagall, Byron Vincent and others…all with a speech impediment supplied as standard 22nd September 2012: Platform-7 wishes to welcome David Turay, a London-based musician who was seen playing sublime sax very late under Southwark bridge during the summer, to no man's land 21st September 2012: no man's land Cabinet line up for Tuesday 25th meeting with Pat Codd Melanie Simpson John Huntingdon Karl Richter Lauren Lapidge and tbc on the night Roanna Mitchell, Nick Lawrence and Tony George -plenty to discuss 21st September 2012: platform-7 welcomes John Huntingdon to the Cabinet as head of Health and Safety, Fire Risk Assessment and Sculpture Security for 20th September 2012: Platforma, the arts art of the UK Refugee Council is to partner Platform-7 in developing 'Transport Hub' an intervention discussing the politics of migration, immigration and displacement 20th September 2012: no man's land welcomes our new Head of Operations:North America, Rachel Lehrman, in charge of artists and promotion from Canada, USA and Mexico 18th September 2012: no man's land is already metamorphosing in new directions not even considered 18th September 2012: no man's land welcomes our new Head of Operations:Southeast Asia Angie Chen in charge of artists and promotion from Indonesia, Cambodia, Vietnam, Malaysia, Thailand, Korea, Burma, and Taiwan 18th September 2012: Poems Alive and Platform-7 are to create 72-hour cafe exploring knife crime and gang clture through spoken word 17th September 2012: Platform-7 wishes to welcome Daniel Merrill a London-based musician and researcher to our Underground event no man's land 17th September 2012: Platform-7 wishes to welcome Daniel Merrill a London-based musician and researcher to our Underground event no man's land 17th September 2012: no man's land welcomes our new Head of Operations:Southern Central Europe Elisa Testori in charge of artists and promotion in Italy, Greece, Switzerland, Albania, Bosnia, Serbia and Croatia 17th September 2012: no man's land welcomes our new Head of Operations:Northern Europe Hülya Ucar in charge of artists and promotion in Denmark, Finland, Sweden, Norway, Iceland, Greenland and Estonia 10th September 2012: Platform-7 meeting/brainstorm week in Montseny nr Barcelona 4th September 2012: The first major adaptation to the planning of no man's land now in progress... 3rd September 2012: no man's land Press Release (Sept 2012) 30th August 2012: no man's land logistic rethink 28th August 2012: Hoping to complete no man's land website later 16th August: POETRY COMMITTEE for no man's land : Nancy G. Esposito, Ronnie Mc Grath, Isabel White, Kathryn O'Reilly 15th August: Tense and passionate first meeting of the poetry committee 14th August: An amazing first meeting of the music committee, full details on our no man's land facebook [click] 12th August 2012: MUSIC COMMITTEE for no man’s land James Young [click] Nathan Harmer [click] Julian Jacobson [click] Nathaniel Mann [click] 10th August 2012: no man's land taking a life of it's own and new collaborative project coming up with Poems Alive 6th August 2012: IMPORTANT: NO 'UP THE LINE' DURING 2012 Arts Council unfortunately have not the money to fund Up The Line this year despite the application fully meeting the criteria. ACE Letter: 'There are a number of factors we consider when assessing applications. Your application was not successful mainly because:
COMPETITION FOR FUNDS. Our funds are limited and we had more good applications than we could fund. Although your application met the criteria, we had to make difficult choices about which applications to support.' [End no other reasons given].
Average success rate April 2012 - June 2012 was 39% 3rd August 2012: Goldsmith's University of London give wonderful review of Paul Halliday's 'Deluge' inastallation at the Tapescape Catford:The Intervention I & II [link to Goldmsmiths] 3rd August 2012: no man's land has been revised creating a highly conceptual approach to live performance in public space 3rd August 2012: Team all back from holiday 19th July 2012: no man's land has been updated [click] 19th July 2012: Email migration appears complete, new main contact email address 18th July 2012: Major issues with Platform-7 email migration, apologies if you are trying to contact us 17th July 2012: Scarborough based Split Infinitive charity offers funding donation towards Up The Line 2012 17th July 2012: Deluge documentation video available here 16th July 2012: Platform-7 invited to the opening of the new Tate Tanks 13th July 2012: Humanities strategy company Shm holds workshop for Platform-7 to try to understand how to develop the model within the legal and cultural frameworks that exist while remaining true to the principles and ethics of the company. Happily everyone became somewhat stuck and more work is required. 10th July 2012: Lewisham Council opt to continue Tapescape video amnesty for all Lewisham residents 12th June 2012: 'no man's land' website ready to launch [], more funding applications submitted for 'Up The Line' 9th June 2012: Website construction for 'no man's land' begins. 6th June 2012: Office team update: Lenka Horakova, Lauren Lapidge, Isabel White, Darren Sperring, Tech, Lurca, IT for 'no man's land' James Stevens, Environmental Andy Blue, Finance Keith Graham 5th June 2012: Paul Halliday adds more to Deluge from returning videocassettes as part of the video amnesty 5th June 2012: Goldsmiths lecturers agree talk on Waste, Redundancy and Obsolescence at Tapescape Catford: The intervention II 20th June 2012 [click] 4th June 2012: Team working Platform-7 increases 2nd June 2012: International supporter of Platform-7 pledges funding for 'no man's land' on London Underground 2nd June 2012: Founder, John McKiernan begins joint journal article with Professor Loretta Lees of King's College London on the Moonbow Margate intervention during summer 2011 1st June 2012: Many opportunities appearing. 28th May 2012: London Underground provide Letter of Introduction for new event 'no man's land' to begin across London on 30 tune stations simultaneously 28th May 2012: Deluge poster now being printed [click to see] 25th May 2012: Roana Mitchell's provocative piece on how Jane Fonda's workout video was not only a bit of fun but a cynical ploy to sell technology by selling a person's body image back to themselves [read here] 25th May 2012: Latest news page moved to blog to ensure quicker and regular updates [click] 25th May 2012: Wonderful Flipside event last night 24th May 2012: London Underground approves Platform-7 event ‘no man’s land’ across 30 tube stations simultaneously 24th May 2012: 4th Annual Flipside Youth Film Festival Gala, 24th May 2012 tonight at the Tapescape Catford[Click] 23rd May2012: Deluge: The Return Of The Videocassettes: Tapescape Catford: The Intervention II, 23rd May - 24th June 2012 [click] 22nd May 2012: Facebook: tapescapecatford 22nd May 2012: National Federation of Cemetery Friends adds Platform-7 button to webpage and recommends 'Up The Line' event on news page [click] 1st March 2012: Provisional permission given to take over disued ex-Blockbuster video store in South London for 2 week art intervention 28th February 2012: Platform-7 attended the excellent The Future of Festivals symposium at the the Southbank Centre, London. Hosted by Jerrwood Trust and LIFT 24th February 2012: Proposal to the National Federation of Cemetery Friends ready for presentation 2011 11th November: We would like to apologise for the cancellation of this event. The Head of Art at the Royal Park has deemed that Bromptom Cemetery is too dark for ‘Up The Line’ 2011 under health and safety. There was a demand that the paths must be bathed in enough light for a person with poor sight to see clearly. The glowstick route, used so effectively in Margate on Thursday 10th Nov 2011 and at both the 2010 and 2009 events was not sufficient. An offer by the Royal Parks to move the event to the daytime while the cemetery was open, as a form of compromise, was declined by Platform-7. We believe that an enormous opportunity has been missed to bring a important event to West London. If you wish to have more information regarding this event please email 11th November: WE HAD A PERFECT EVENING FOR 'UP THE LINE' REMEMBRANCE 2011 EVENT (10/11/11), FULL MOON, GREAT TURNOUT, AMAZING FEEDBACK AND HAPPY ARTISTS, PERFECT ALL ROUND. THANKS TO EVERYONE INVOLVED, THE FRIENDS OF MARGATE CEMETERY AND ALL THE PEOPLE FROM THANET WHO CAME TO WHAT WAS,WE HOPE, A WONDERFUL AND THOUGHT PROVOKING EVENING. UNTIL NEXT TIME... 21th October: MOONBOW MARGATE HAS A FULL PAGE ARTICLE PUBLISHED IN THANET GAZETTE: 21th October: POETRY CURATOR ISABEL WHITE HAS POEM PUBLISHED IN THE THANET GAZETTE 18th October: ROUTE AND PLAN ALMOST FINALISED 18th October: HEALTH AND SAFETY ASSESSMENTS COMPLETED fFOR UP THE LINE 30th September: EVALUATION BEGINS 30th September: EVERYONE AT PLATFORM-7 PLEASED WITH MOONBOW MARGATE PROJECT 30th September: VERY BUSY WEEK CLEARING LIDO, APPLICATIONS FOR NEW PROJECTS AND MEETINGS FOR UP THE LINE 24th September: MOONBOW MARGATE PROJECT COMES TO A CLOSES AFTER 13-WEEKS 25th September: MEL SIMPSON DANCERS PERFORM AROUND MARGATE AND ON LIDO SANDS 2PM SUNDAY 24th September: LOCAL TRIO 'FREE LUNCH' GIG AT 8PM 24th September: GORDON CLARKSON LIDO TALK AT 2.30PM 24th September: JULIAN JACOBSON CANCELLED PERFORMANCE: DUE TO A FAMILY BEREAVEMENT JULIAN IS UNABLE TO PERFORM THIS CONCERT 24th September: DEAD RAT ORCHESTRA IMPROMPTU GIG SCATURDAY 24TH LUNCHTIME 12.30PM 24th September: REBECCA LOCKE PIECE 'GOLD JUNK' PIECE CONTINUES IN CAIN AMUSEMENTS - MAP 23rd September: DEAD RAT ORCHESTRA ENCHANT THE LIDO AUDIENCE WITH THEIR SET 23rd September: GREEN DIESEL SHOW GREAT FORM AT MOONBOW LIDO 23rd September: REBECCA LOCKE PIECE 'GOLD JUNK' INSTALLED IN CAIN AMUSEMENTS - MAP 23rd September: THANET/KENT OFFER £2000 TOWARDS 'UP THE LINE' EVENT 23rd September: READY FOR LAST WEEKEND 22nd September: MOONBOW LIDO AND GORDON CLARKSON IN LOCAL PAPER KENT MESSENGER 22nd September: LONDON JOURNALISTS DECEND ON MOONBOW LIDO 22nd September: ReM PERFORMERS ARRIVE FOR FRIDAY EVENING SHOW 21st September: BBC1 NEWS SOUTHEAST BUSINESS EDITOR, MARK NORMAN INTERVIEWS PLATFORM-7 REGARDING CLIFTONVILLE 21st September: COUNCILLOR CHRIS WELLS VISITS MOONBOW LIDO 21st September: HELDER CLARA CREATES A NEW FULL BODY PORTRAIT 21st September: FOOD BY YVETTE LE COOK RETURNS TO MOONBOW FOR THE LAST WEEK 21st September: ARNOLD SCHWARTZMAN CONFIRMS ATTENDING GORDON CLARKSON’S TALK ON THE LIDO THIS SATURDAY AT 2.30PM 21st September: BBC NEWS SOUTHEAST COMING TO FILM MOONBOW LIDO 21st September: DOCTOR WHO, DAVID TENNANT FOUND FILMING OUTSIDE MOONBOW LIDO 21st September: BBC INSIDE OUT CANCELS FILMING DUE TO ILLNESS OF PRODUCER 20st September: BBC HERE 20st September: GALLERY UPDATED 19th September: CONTINUING INTERNET CONNECTION ISSUES IN MARGATE AFFECTING UPDATES 18th September: BABBLE ART INSTALLATION AND POETRY EVENT CLICK FOR IMAGES 18th September: ALMOST 300 NEW VISITORS TO EXHIBITIONS SINCE 14TH SEPT 17th September: LARGE AUDIENCE FOR DJ COFFEE SATURDAY SET 17th September: ANIA BAS 'RECESSION CUPCAKES' WELL RECEIVED CLICK FOR IMAGES 17th September: NEW EXHIBITION OPENS AT TURNER CONTEMPORARY 16th September: ARTS COUNCIL ENGLAND TO FUND 'UP THE LINE REMEMBRANCE 2011' EVENT CLICK FOR MORE 16th September: MARGATE UPDATE SENT TO 600 SUBSCRIBERS 16th September: FLYERS FOR EXHIBITIONS DELIVERED AND SENT OUT AROUND MARGATE AND CLIFTONVILLE 15th September: 83 PEOPLE VISIT PRIVATE VIEW OF 'CLIFTONVILLE NOW' AND 'WHAT IS FOOD' 14th September: SHOWS ALMOST COMPLETE 13th September: EXHIBITION ITEMS ARRIVING 4th September: DJ COFFEE PLAYS A CAFE DEL MAR SET UNTIL SUNSET, 5PM ONWARDS 3rd September: LIDO OPENS AT 12 NOON. DOWN BY THE LIDO SANDS POOL 3rd September: LOCAL DJS ALL EVENING 3rd September: SOUNDSCAPE PERFORMANCE BY CLARE AND DEAN 8PM 3rd September: THEATRE ROYAL AND TOM THUMB THEATRE HELP CREATE LIDO SPACE 3rd September: CLEANING OF LIDO SANDS STARTS AT 12 NOON 3rd September: PERFORMANCE OF CREATING EXHIBITION BEGINS 2nd September: SPACE ALMOST READY 2nd September: VERY BUSY DAY MAKING SPACE READY FOR SATURDAY OPENING 2nd September: AMAZING RESPONSE TO 'CLIFTONVILLE NOW' EXHIBITION BY NORTHDOWN ROAD BUSINESSES AND OTHERS 2nd September: BBC News South East may be coming to Lido with Councillor Chris Wells 2nd September: FIRST LIDO IMAGES CLICK 1st September: MOVE IN STARTED 1st September: KEYS SECURED 1st September: Mayor of Margate Iris Johnson confirms she will join the Lido Sands Pool clean up on Saturday 3rd September 31st August: FIRST GLIMPSE AT LIDO SCHEDULE CLICK 31st August: UP THE LINE WEBPAGES UPDATED 31st August: ALL ‘UP THE LINE’ APPLICATIONS PRESENTED 31st August: PLATFORM-7 MEET ROYAL PARKS REGARDING BROMPTON CEMETERY 31st August: WEBSITE UPDATED 30th August: NEW IMAGES UPDATED TO WEBSITE 30th August: PHOTOGRAPHER MARTIN PARR PENCILLED IN FOR MOONBOW MARGATE 30th August: FILM DIRECTOR ARNOLD SCHWARTZMAN EXCITED BY LIDO PROJECT AND WILL VISIT 29th August: OFFERS OF CLIFTONVILLE NOW EXHIBITION CONTINUE TO COME IN 27th August: CLEAN UP OF LIDO SANDS POOL CONFIRMED 27th August: PLATFORM-7 ATTENDS ‘BLINK’ IN MARGATE 26th August: PLATFORM-7 HAS INTERESTING READING FESTIVAL 26th August: MOONBOW MARGATE POSITIVE MENTIONED IN THANET GAZETTE 26th August: BBC CONSIDERING FOLLOWING MOONBOW LIDO PROJECT 24th August: CLIFTONVILLE SLAMMED IN LOCAL BBC NEWS REPORT 23rd August: BBC CONTACT PLATFORM-7 REGARDING LIDO PROJECT 21st August: MOONBOW JAKES THANKS CLIFTONVILLE 21st August: MOONBOW MARGATE AT THE GOLDEN HOUSE GRILL, CLIFTONVILLE CLOSES FOR THE LAST TIME 21st August: POLLY HIGH'S PHOTOS COME INTO THE LIGHT 20th August:DRAW ME BOOTH MASSIVE SUCCESS (OPEN IMAGES VIA FACEBOOK) 20th August: JONATHAN POLKEST DRAW ME / TEDNE VE BOOTH COMES TO CLIFTONVILLE 19th August:AGREEMENT REACHED IN PLATFORM-7 USING LIDO FROM 1st TO 27th SEPTEMBER INCLUSIVE 19th August:MEETING WITH CLIFTONVILLE LIDO OWNERS AND THANET COUNCIL 18th August: MOONBOW MARGATE LIKELY TO CLOSE THIS SUNDAY 21TH AUGUST 17th August: MOONBOW MARGATE OPEN FROM 4PM 14th August: HUNDRED VISIT MOONBOW MARGATE 14th August: HUGE NUMBERS DECEND ON MOONBOW MARGATE FOR FACE PAINTING AND SUNDAY ROAST 14th August: MELANIE SIMPSON FACE PAINTING 14th August: DAWN VENESS, CHEF OF THE RED LION STODMARSH COOKING SUNDY ROAST 13th August: AKLERIAH LIVE PERFOMANCE AT TURNER CONTEMPORARY HIGHLY RECEIVED 13th August: 100s WATCH AKLERIAH LIVE PERFOMANCE 13th August: AKLERIAH LIVE STREET PERFOMANCE 12th August: POTENTIAL MOVE TO LIDO #latestnews
News of Platform-7 events, art interventions and other news from 2011 & 2012