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The Waste.Agency Live Events

All events are Free and take place at the Ex-HMV, 1 Whittington Avenue, Leadenhall, City of London, EC3V 1PJ

Page being continuously updated


Last Update: 27th Nov 2014

Fri, 20th February 2015 from 12.30pm

Reason of Regulation

Solicitor Michael Connor takes a personal canter through how greed and great/bad man experience of history  can lead to very bad things and how sometimes governments can get it right, but not all the time.  All views are his own and not of any organisation.  More on Michael...


Michael Connor is the General Counsel of Lancashire Insurance Company (UK) Limited part of the Lancashire group, a FTSE 250 company. Lancashire has underwriting platforms in the London Company and Bermuda Markets as well as in the Lloyd’s market through its  Lloyd’s Managing Agent, Cathedral.


Michael joined Lancashire in 2007 and is responsible for the provision and delivery of legal, regulatory compliance and governance services to the UK companies, Michael has worked as a regulator, lawyer and Compliance Officer in the London and Lloyd’s markets since 1992. Prior to that Michael was a civil servant, bookseller and postman, but not all at the same time.       


Fri 20th February 2015, time tbc

Why We Consume - Professor Maurice Biriotti

Professor Maurice Biriotti is Chief Executive of SHM. Before setting up the company in 1996, Maurice was a full-time academic, and held posts at the Universities of Cambridge, Birmingham and Zurich. Maurice is a Visiting Professor in the department of Psychiatry, Yale University.


Maurice will be discussing the psychology of why we consume as we do.

Wed 18th February 2015, time tbc

Energy Trilemma - Tabish Khan

Tabish Khan is an Energy Policy expert who will be discussing the trilemma of extracting natural resources for energy, using energy and the environmental impact of present energy consumption. 


Tabish Khan has been working in the energy industry for 8 years, his career includes time spent at the regulator and at one of the largest energy companies in the UK. He specialises in future energy policy and what this means for the household of tomorrow, examples include the ability to control appliances remotely and for the house to run off the battery in an electric vehicle.

Mon 27th January 2015 from 5.30pm

Orchestra of Broken Instruments

Bird Radio's Orchestra of Broken Instruments.  All are welcome to this Free event, no experience required, although people are asked to bring along a broken object that is significant to them. To read more about this event visit the Waste.Agency blog or Bird Radio's ongoing blog

Mon 20th January 2015 from 5.30pm

Orchestra of Broken Instruments

The return of the incredible Bird Radio's Orchestra of Broken Instruments.  All are welcome to this Free event, no experience required, although people are asked to bring along a broken object that is significant to them. To read more about this event visit the Waste.Agency blog or Bird Radio's ongoing blog

Mon 12th January 2015 from 5.30pm

Orchestra of Broken Instruments

The return of the incredible Bird Radio's Orchestra of Broken Instruments.  All are welcome to this Free event, no experience required, although people are asked to bring along a broken object that is significant to them. To read more about this event visit the Waste.Agency blog or Bird Radio's ongoing blog

Fri, 12th Dec 2014, from 12.00pm - 6.30pm

Games Day

An afternoon of old home gaming machines including Atari and Vectrex.  Another chance to see the very funny Atari: Game Over film, see 25th November below for more details.  Showing on a loop. 

Thu, 11th Dec 2014, 6.00pm

Corporate Songs

While researching folk music for the Dead Rat Orchestra's The Cut tour across canals of England, Daniel Merrill discovered that corporate songs were written to celebrate the feat of construction.  Following on from this, Daniel will present the songs that accompanied the opening of the canals, and later the railways and see whether modern day corporate songs will become tomorrow's folk music.   There will be a spoke word response by BBC & UK Poetry slam champion David Lee Morgan, 

Thu 11th Dec 2014, 12.30pm

Ground Control talk by Anna Minton with response by xname

Anna Minton will be presenting her best selling book Ground Control, exploring the privatisation of public space, including the Olympic Park. Artist, xname will be responding to the discussion and explaining her work Dusty Mariee, on show at the Waste.Agency, originally commissioned by The Barbican


Ground Control emerged from a series of agenda setting reports, two of which were published by the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors and the other by the think tank Demos. The first focused on gated communities and ghettoes in the US, questioning to what extent these trends are emerging in the UK. The second looked at polarization and culture in one British city, Newcastle, and the third investigated the growing privatisation of public space/ Read more here


xname’s Dusty Mariee is a work that embraces Duchamp’s groundbreaking 'readymade' approach to creating art. A live camera stream, complete with microphones filmed through the large glass window of Eleonora's apartment high up on the 19th floor of the Balfron Tower for 30 days non-stop, uniquely capturing East London’s council estates and the harsh but often beautiful sprawl.


Anna Minton is a writer and journalist and Visiting Professor at the University of East London (UEL). She spent a decade in journalism, including a stint as a corporate reporter on the Financial Times. 


xname is an artist living in the Balfron Tower, where the durational work was made over a continuous period. 

Wed, 3rd Dec 2014, all day

Waste of Space - Performance

Movement Director, Roanna Mitchell will be wasting space by sitting in the window of the Waste.Agency scoring the passing City workers.  

Tue 25th Nov 2014, 6pm onwards

Atari:Game Over Film Night

Documentary plus your chance to play's retro console games, and recycled game-controller music

Atari: Game Over is the Xbox Originals documentary that chronicles the fall of the Atari Corporation through the lens of one of the biggest mysteries of all time, dubbed “The Great Video Game Burial of 1983.” As the story goes, the Atari Corporation, faced with an overwhelmingly negative response to “E.T.,” the video game for the Atari 2600, disposed of hundreds of thousands of unsold game cartridges by burying them in the small town of Alamogordo, New Mexico.

Watch the Trailer Here


WED 12th Nov, 12pm & 1pm

David Lee Morgan won the BBC Edinburgh 2014 poetry slam competition and is a UK Slam Champion.  Each Wednesday lunchtime David will be discussing the history of recent economic systems through spoken word.

Bring along a broken instrument or voice and join Bird Radio in creating a new kind of orchestra. Free, every Monday evening.  More

Harmergeddon invite you to celebrate the launch of their debut EP 'Both Sides of the Conversation' They will be playing a set accompanied Harmergeddon invite you to celebrate the launch of their debut EP, 'Both Sides of the Conversation EP' on the 7th ofNovember from 7PM.

They will be playing a set accompanied by live projections from Jonathan Pigram and will be supported by:
Charles Hayward - Bell Agency
Warren Schoenbright - Improv. duo, Live Electronics and Drums
& Daddy DJ - 45" Vinyl ONLY 

Entry is Free and feel free to BYOB 

Limited edition Cassettes will be available in store.

FRI 7th Nov, 12pm & 1pm

Professor John Wood Discussion


On 7th November (at 12.00pm and at 1.00pm) John Wood (Emeritus Professor of Goldsmiths, University of London) will give an illustrated talk and discussion entitled "Designing by Recombining". Arguing that we need a much more radical and joined-up approach to 'sustainability', he will outline a revised agenda and framework. Prof. Wood developed his 'metadesign' approach after inventing several solar energy devices in the early seventies. He also created some of the first holistic design degrees that combine enterprise with ecological thinking. He set up the Metadesigners Network and has published several hundred international articles and books. FREE all Welcome

THU, 6th Nov, 5.30pm

Professor Caroline Knowles

Professor Caroline Knowles (Professor of Sociology Goldsmiths and Co-Director of Centre for Urban and Community Research, CUCR) will be discussing globalisation by following the Flip Flop trail from oil in Kuwait to rubbish tips in Ethiopia. FREE All Welcome

David Lee Morgan won the BBC Edinburgh 2014 poetry slam competition and is a UK Slam Champion.  Each Wednesday lunchtime David will be discussing the history of recent economic systems through spoken word.

TUE 4th Nov, 5:00pm-6:30pm

Tights Ball Dress Performance

London Cannon Street Station Performance

Anna Kompaniets, wearing a dress made from tights will be performatively winding the tights Motherball at Cannon Street station.

The recent collections of tights from Catford will be added to the original ball.

Pop in to find out more about tights - effect on environment, ethics and the broader Tights Ball project. for info and for your nearest recycling point.

Bring along a broken instrument or voice and join Bird Radio in creating a new kind of orchestra. Free, every Monday evening.  More

WED, 29th Oct, 7.30pm


Dead Rat Orchestra will be using the Waste Agency space for final pre-recording rehearsals for our new 'Global Field Recording Project' with feted musician C Joynes. 

We will also be presenting a preview / 'work in progress' screening of TYBURNIA - with live soundtrack. 

A collaboration with filmmaker James Holcolmbe regarding the Tyburn gallows - London's principle hanging spot for over 500 years.

WED 29th Oct, 12pm & 1pm

David Lee Morgan won the BBC Edinburgh 2014 poetry slam competition and is a UK Slam Champion.  Each Wednesday lunchtime David will be discussing the history of recent economic systems through spoken word.

Bring along a broken instrument or voice and join Bird Radio in creating a new kind of orchestra. Free, every Monday evening.  More on

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