Selected images and stories from Moving_Me?, forming part of the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) programme, Gentrification, Displacement, and the Impacts of Council Estate Renewal in C21st London.*
Moving_Me? was part of a major research programme investigating the impact on residents living on London council estates undergoing ‘renewal’. The project provided tenants and homeowners the opportunity to respond creatively by submitting one photograph that sumed up their view of the change taking place around them. Photographs could be submitted with or without comment.
London council estates are undergoing the most sweeping changes in a generation with major ‘renewal’ programmes causing varying degrees of anxiety, with residents’ lives disrupted, and in some cases, being requested to leave their home.
The following provides a selection of photos and images that were displayed at London City Hall in March 2020, before being exhibited in the Pepys estate Library, Deptford, (March 2020 -). Presently closed due to Covid-19. A high-resolution PDF is available on request here.

The photographs and accompanying stories are to be archived at the Museum of London, along with the research interviews, documents collected and published papers, saved for future generations.
This programme has been funded* by the Economic Social Research Council (ESRC) and led by the University of Leicester, with co-investigation by King’s College London. For more information email, Natalie at Leicester
*ESRC Grant reference: ES/N015053/1 – (Feb. 17 – Apr. 20)