Loretta Lees and John McKiernan have been invited to write a chapter for Geographies of Urban Public Art: Spatial Mediations of Art, People and Identities. “We’d like to include your chapter in the book section that explicitly yet critically addresses the production perspective of urban public art.”
Returning to the 2012 essay, Art-led Regeneration in Margate: Learning from Moonbow Jakes Café and Lido Nightclub intervention, [click] John McKiernan will revisit Margate in summer 2014 to discuss the project with participants who remain and review what has changed.
*Book abstract: This is an invited, edited volume from scholars across all disciplines, who are engaged with multidisciplinary spatial articulations of social and cultural theory, that critically and empirically analyses the spatial mediations of art, people and identities involved in urban public art. Empirical illustrations from cities all around the world are included. This book’s introduction frames the representation and non-representational conceptual relations between art, public space and identities from the perspectives of both producers and audiences of public art, and elaborates on both quantitative and qualitative approaches to understanding sustainable social influences of art in turban public space. Section A of this book mainly addresses and contexualizes publicly-funded public art from the socio-political perspectives of its facilitators, including creators/artists and actors involved in policy, government and governance. Section B of the book explores the topic from the everyday perspectives of the audiences of public art, including more ad hoc and spontaneous manifestations. Conceptually we acknowledge that public art’s enablers and audiences are always in interplay. Therefore the first two sections are anything but mutually exclusive, and should hence be read in a complementary, dialectical vein.
You can listen to Loretta Lees, John McKiernan and Professor Andy Pratt (City University, London) discussing Margate 2011 and contested space on The News Agents, Resonance 104.4fm [here]